Over the course of my career, I’ve spent countless hours talking to and hearing from leaders around the world. I’ve interviewed thousands of candidates for managerial roles and tracked the performance of those I successfully hired. I led the global management appraisal practice of our own executive search firm, Egon Zehnder. And I’ve spent years with colleagues at Harvard Business School and other academic institutions researching what makes people effective in their jobs.
One key lesson I’ve drawn from all this experience? The most successful leaders are the ones who continue to learn and grow, and the best way to help yourself – or your team — do that is through assignments that involve increasing complexity.
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Leadership Lessons from Great Family BusinessesBy analyzing 50 leading family firms the authors discovered that the most successful of these companies do four things well.
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Why Family Firms in East Asia Struggle with SuccessionAsian family businesses urgently need to carefully manage their governance, talent development, and leadership transitions.
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Now Is an Unprecedented Opportunity to Hire Great TalentVisionary leaders can capture now an unprecedented opportunity to hire great talent.
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From Curious to CompetentExecutives with extraordinary curiosity are usually able, with the right development, to advance to C-level roles.
Developing the Next Generation of Leaders in Your Family BusinessCarefully identifying and properly developing the next generation of leaders is by far the most consequential decision for any family business founder, owner, or leader.
How to Look for Emotional Intelligence on Your TeamHow do we assess emotional intelligence in working adults?
How to Make a Team of Stars WorkSix critical dimensions determine the effectiveness of leadership teams confronting different challenges.
How to Hang On to Your High PotentialsThis article describes emerging best practices in executing high-potential programs, including the latest thinking on how to nominate and assess participants, design effective job rotations and stretch assignments, provide thoughtful rewards and incentives, and communicate about the program with the rest of the organization.
The Secrets of Strong Family BusinessesIn this HR webinar Claudio discusses what family businesses must do to remain healthy and viable over the long term, providing examples and case studies from across the globe as well as actionable recommendations to increase your family business’s chances of long-term success.